The IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics (T-MRB) is a quarterly Green Open Access (see details in Information for Authors) multidisciplinary journal aimed at publishing peer-reviewed papers focused on innovative research ideas and medical application results. It reports significant theoretical findings and application case studies in the areas of medical robotics and bionics.

The IEEE T-MRB publishes non-incremental results on innovative systems that support the prevention, diagnosis, or treatment of human diseases. These systems can be based on robotics and automation technology-related paradigms (e.g., surgical robots, devices for physical and cognitive rehabilitation, supporting systems for independent living, etc.), on bionics paradigms (e.g., medical systems that mimic living organisms or technologies that intimately interact with the human body), or combinations of both, such as robotic artificial organs and other active implantable devices featuring direct interfaces with the human body. In addition, T-MRB promotes works investigating mechanisms and principles observed in nature to unravel scientific issues and exploit them to develop innovative bionic technologies for medical applications.

Main journal topics include:

  • Surgical robotics
  • Rehabilitation and assistive robotics
  • Bionic prostheses
  • Sensory substitution
  • Artificial/bioartificial bionic organs
  • Medical biomimetic technologies

The journal also welcomes survey and commentary papers providing critical, systematic reviews of research areas and trends within its scope, evidence-based studies on the early clinical validation of robotic or bionic technologies, and contributions on ethical, social, economic, and organizational aspects concerning robotics and/or bionic solutions for medical and healthcare applications.

IEEE T-MRB is a publication sponsored by:

Prof. Paolo Dario
Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy

Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Prof. Mamoru Mitsuishi
University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan


Journal Impact Factor 2023 (JIF): 3.4
Journal Citation Indicator (JCI): 0.79
Scimago Journal Ranking (SJR): Q1
Normalized Eigenfactor: 0.49


Special Section on: Precision Postoperative Orthopedic Rehabilitation Robots

The goal of this special issue is to provide readers with the current state of postoperative orthopedic rehabilitation robots and related technologies, and to discuss the roadmap for future work, leveraging emerging technologies, including sensors, wearables, smart materials, and AI. More info here.

Topics of interest:

  • Rehabilitation robotic devices after orthopedic surgery
  • Robot-assisted rehabilitation of gait and locomotion following musculoskeletal disorders
  • Wearable biofeedback devices
  • Intelligent control of robotic devices
  • Quantitative evaluation of orthopedic rehabilitation treatments and biomechanical functional assessment
  • Human performance measurement and analysis
  • Human robot interface
  • Remote Rehabilitation
  • New smart materials and fabrication schemes

Important Dates:

  • Manuscript submission deadline: December 31, 2024
  • Revisions back to authors: January 30, 2025
  • Submission of the final version: March 30, 2025
  • Publication of the Special Section: May 15, 2025

Guest Editors:

Current Issue - Volume 6 Issue 2 - May 2024

The new IEEE T-MRB Issue has been released. Che the full issue here.

Investigating the Benefits of Multivariable Proprioceptive Feedback for Upper-Limb Prostheses
Transradial Amputee Reaching: Compensatory Motion Quantification Versus Unaffected Individuals Including Bracing
Soft Ankle-Foot Exoskeleton for Rehabilitation: A Systematic Review of Actuation, Sensing, Mechanical Design, and Control Strategy
Toward Automatic Stomach Screening Using a Wireless Magnetically Actuated Capsule Endoscope
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